AI Drones


Green Tech Projects Corp. (GTP) has shifted focus from investment banking functions to Artificial Intelligence (AI) processing of data collected by drones. GTP has filed two patent applications for data processing related to utility scale PV solar and GTP has recently expanded its AI scope to include forestry and agriculture projects. A 2024 expansion of scope includes linear assets: powerlines, pipelines for methane detection and solar field development, construction and operations. All integrated with a powerful AI platform.

GTP is hiring pilots on a contract basis for Western Canadian assignments. Use the Contact form to get in touch.


GTP’s focus is upon AI based custom App development that is integrated with drone collected data. GTP works with well established industry participants in AI data platforms and data processing as well as with drone industry experts. Customer value is delivered through highly accurate data interpretation and reporting only obtainable with the use of AI machine learning techniques. Contact to discuss your project concept.